* Power ON:
Automatic Power On/Record When Triggered
* Power ON (Loop Mode):
Automatic Power On/Record (when power fails and is restored)
* Power OFF:
Automatic Power Off After 2 Hours of Inactivity
* Back-Up:
30 Day Back-Up Memory Retains Time Stamp
* Time Stamp:
Time (w/Seconds) / Date, Frame Counter
* On-Screen Text:
On-Screen Text, Up to 20 Characters w/Adjustable Placement
* Record Type:
Real-Time (30fps)
* Triggering Device Inputs:
Rear Panel Screw Terminal: Normally-Open or Closed Inputs
* Event Recording Durations:
64 User Selectable Durations: 10s, 30s, 3 min, 10 min, 1 to 60 minutes
* Event Recording Operation:
Records Continuously During Trigger, then for Duration Set
* Panic Recording:
Records to EOT, Triggered by a Separate Normally-Open Circuit
* Response Time:
Less than 2s on First Trigger, Instant Record Thereafter
* Instant Record Availability:
Instant Recordings Available for 5 Minutes after Switch Inactivity
* End of Tape Contact:
Momentary Closure (Open Collector to Ground) for Series Record
* Programmable Event Timer:
5 Daily Events (7 days a week), 5 One Time Events
* Trigger Blocking:
3 Programmable “Trigger Block” Times
* External Connections:
5 Screw Terminal Barrier Block Connector On Rear Panel
* Loop Recording:
Selectable: at EOT - RW/Eject, RW/Standby, RW/Loop Record
* Series Recording:
Using Panic Record Input and EOT Output
* Record Indicator:
On Screen In Loop Mode
* Frame Counter:
Running 0-99 Frame Counter During REC for Unique Frame ID
* Slow Motion Playback:
Variable Speed Shuttle. Noiseless Still Frame
Your event recorder is an advanced, high-quality audio/video recorder designed for use within a video sur-
veillance system. Its basic function is to record the closed-circuit camera's picture and sound after the
recorder is triggered. The unit will record for the selected event duration after an event record trigger ceas-
es, or to the end of the tape if a momentary panic record trigger occurs. It also has the ability to record con-
tinuously for up to 8 hours with a T-160 tape. In the Loop Record mode, it will record for virtually an unlimit-
ed period. The recorder can turn itself on automatically while you're away, staying ready to capture important
events. It can be connected to the wide variety of detection devices available, such as a simple door switch-
es, passive infrared detectors, sound detectors, window glass breakage detectors, magnetic door and win-
dow switches and other devices. After the unit has recorded sound and picture, you can review the picture
with the remote control provided. With the purchase of an inexpensive video camera, you can put your event
recorder to work in your business or home. Each event recorded has the time & date on the screen so you
can see when the event occurred. Now you can monitor when your employees or service personnel come
and go, track peak customer traffic, monitor cash drawer(s) or stock room/office(s), or verify events around
your home while you are away.