This event recorder is designed to give the user years of trouble free operation. If the suggestions listed below
do not solve your problem, contact Customer Service for assistance.
> The recorder will not stop recording at the end of an event.
There are many options available for different
types of recording. Confirm the external trigger switches (motions detectors, door switches, etc) are not active
or defective. Confirm that the unit is not in the LOOP RECORD mode. Confirm that the normally closed jumper
(if normally closed switches are not used) is between screws 3 and 4 on the rear terminal.
> I had the recorder set to record for one hour yesterday evening. It only recorded for 10 minutes and
See Termination of Recordings. At the end of the tape, all recording durations are reset.
> My door switch never records in the afternoon.
Check all three of the trigger block time settings and repro-
gram or clear those that don’t apply.
> Will the battery backup keep my machine recording if the power goes out?
No. This is only to keep the
time and date in memory so that it will not have to be reset when the power is re-established.
> The picture looks good when I’m recording, but is snowy on playback.
The tape used may be damaged
or the video heads are dirty or clogged. Replace the tape and try a test recording. If the picture is still snowy,
call the manufacturer for a instructions on servicing.
> The tape keeps ejecting.
Check the settings in the EDIT RECORD OPTIONS menu to see if eject is set.
> What does the “L” mean in the lower left hand corner?
This is the LOOP RECORD indicator.
> After I plugged the machine in, lots of different characters appeared on the screen, then disappeared.
This is normal. After AC is applied, the machine verifies the on screen display, clock operations, etc. A “STAND-
BY” indicator appears during part of this testing.
Time is 1:41 PM and 18 seconds. Frame counter indicator is at frame 17. The date is
August 4, 1998. The on screen text message is showing camera number and descrip-
tion. The “L” in lower left hand corner indicates the unit is recording in LOOP mode.