You may congratulate yourself!
Like many other couples, you have decided to use
the natural method of family planning and have
acquired the
Cyclotest Lady precision device for
this purpose.
Cyclotest Lady is the ideal special thermom
eter for natural family planning. Even when this
method demands a little more time and self-disci
pline – don’t get discouraged and make it into a
partnership! It has been shown to be a good thing
when the partner actively takes part by entering
the measured values into the period chart.
The fine variations in basal or awakening tempera
ture give you an idea what is happening during your
monthly cycle.
Normally only a single egg cell (ovum) which is
capable of being fertilized is formed between two
regular periods. Ovulation which occurs approxi
mately in the middle of the cycle is decisive for
both family planning and contraception. Medical
research has shown that 1-2 days after ovula -
tion, the basal temperature of a woman rises by
0.2 – 0.5°C. (Directly before the day of ovulation a
drop of 0.1°C is regularly observed). The increased
basal temperature stays at approximately the same
level until the next period and then sinks again
(see sample curve). This sequence is the normal
one: significant deviations are a sign of irregulari
ties of the period or pregnancy.
Use in pregnancy planning
(family planning)
The unfertilized female egg cell (ovum) is only
capable of being fertilized for several hours after
ovulation, male sperm on the other hand is ger
minative for2-3 days. For this reason, fertilization
of the egg (conception) can only take place in the
last 5 days before the above-mentioned tempera
ture rise. If you can exactly determine the degree
of fluctuation of your ovulation days over several
cycles, then you have a good idea when you can
expect your conception receptive days. Should the