MAX-M10S - Integration manual
Controlled software reset
terminates all running processes in an orderly manner. Once the
system is idle, restarts the receiver operation, reloads its configuration and starts to acquire
and track GNSS satellites.
Controlled software reset (GNSS only)
only restarts the GNSS tasks, without reinitializing the
full system or reloading any stored configuration.
Hardware reset (after shutdown)
uses the on-chip watchdog to reset the receiver after
Controlled GNSS stop
stops all GNSS tasks. The receiver will not be restarted, but will stop any
GNSS-related processing.
Controlled GNSS start
starts all GNSS tasks.
below contains an overview of the different reset types and the data that is cleared.
Reset type
Clears RAM
Clears BBR
0x00 - Hardware reset (immediately),
0x04 - Hardware reset (after shutdown)
0x01 - Controlled Software reset
0x02 - Controlled Software reset (GNSS only),
0x08 - Controlled GNSS stop,
0x09 - Controlled GNSS start
Table 20: Overview of the available reset types
2.6 Security
The security concept of MAX-M10S covers the air interface between the receiver and the
GNSSsatellites, the integrity of the receiver itself and the interface to the host system.
There are functions to monitor/detect certain security threads and report it to the host system.
Other functions try to mitigate the thread and allow the receiver to operate normally. Message
authentication feature in MAX-M10S enables secure interface to host.
2.6.1 Configuration locking
The receiver configuration can be locked so that further changes are no longer possible. The
configuration can be locked by setting the configuration item CFG-SEC-CFG_LOCK to "true". This
item can be set in the same way as all other configuration items on various layers.
If the configuration lock is set on any non-volatile layer (i.e., flash, BBR, or OTP), the
operation is not reversible and cannot be undone. To test the function, set it in the RAM
configuration layer. After the receiver's power cycle, the information in this layer is lost and
the configuration lock is not set anymore.
2.7 Power management
u-blox receivers support different operating modes. These modes represent strategies of controlling
the acquisition and tracking engines to achieve either the best possible performance or good
performance with reduced power consumption.
2.7.1 Continuous mode
MAX-M10S uses dedicated signal processing engines optimized for signal acquisition and tracking.
The acquisition engine actively searches for and acquires signals during cold starts or when
UBX-20053088 - R03
2 Receiver functionality
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