MAX-M10S - Integration manual Navigation input filters
The navigation input filters in the CFG-NAVSPG-* configuration group control how the navigation
engine handles the input data that comes from the satellite signal.
Configuration item
By default, the receiver calculates a 3D position fix if possible but reverts to 2D
position if necessary (
auto 2D/3D
). The receiver can be forced to only calculate 2D
2D only
) or 3D (
3D only
) positions.
The fixed altitude is used if fixMode is set to 2D only. A variance greater than zero
must also be supplied.
Minimum elevation of a satellite above the horizon to be used in the navigation
solution. Low-elevation satellites may provide degraded accuracy, due to the long
signal path through the atmosphere.
Minimum and maximum number of satellites to use in the navigation solution.
There is an absolute maximum limit of 32 satellites that can be used for navigation.
A navigation solution will only be attempted if there is at least the given number of
satellites with signals at least as strong as the given threshold.
Table 8: Navigation input filter parameters
If the receiver only has three satellites for calculating a position, the navigation algorithm uses a
constant altitude to compensate for the missing fourth satellite. When a satellite is lost after a
successful 3D fix (min four satellites available), the altitude is kept constant at the last known value.
This is called a 2D fix.
u-blox receivers do not calculate any navigation solution with less than three satellites. Navigation output filters
The result of a navigation solution is initially classified by the fix type (as detailed in the
field of UBX-NAV-PVT message). This distinguishes between failures to obtain a fix at all ("No Fix")
and cases where a fix has been achieved, which are further subdivided into specific types of fixes
(for example, 2D, 3D ).
Where a fix has been achieved, the fix is checked to determine whether it is valid or not. A fix is only
valid if it passes the navigation output filters as defined in CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL. In particular, both
PDOP and accuracy values must be below the respective limits.
Important: Users are recommended to check the
flag in the UBX-NAV-PVT or
the NMEA valid flag. Fixes not marked as valid should not be used.
UBX-NAV-STATUS message also reports whether a fix is valid in the
flag. These
messages have only been retained for backwards compatibility and it is recommended to use the
UBX-NAV-PVT message. Odometer filters Speed (3D) low-pass filter
The CFG-ODO-OUTLPVEL configuration item activates a speed (3D) low-pass filter. The output of
the speed low-pass filter is available in the UBX-NAV-VELNED message (
field). The filtering
level can be set via the CFG-ODO-VELLPGAIN configuration item and must be between 0 (heavy low-
pass filtering) and 255 (weak low-pass filtering).
The internal filter gain is computed as a function of speed. Therefore, the level as defined in
the CFG-ODO-VELLPGAIN configuration item defines the nominal filtering level for speeds
below 5 m/s.
UBX-20053088 - R03
2 Receiver functionality
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