Using the O-Lynx Radio system for the first time.
An O-Lynx radio system will consist of the
items shown in Figure 1. If you are using
the system for the first time then having a
practise setup before the event will be
worthwhile to get to know how the system
The radios may arrive without the
antennas fitted to make shipping easier. Fit
these now by screwing into the top of the
radios until finger tight. Ideally the
antennas should be kept fitted to the radio
units and not removed in between use.
Locate the
radio. This can be identified by “MASTER” written on the label and also by the
switch on the right side of the case. This radio is used at the event centre as all other
radios are setup to send the punch information back to
the “Master”. A 5 metre USB cable is supplied along
master to connect to a computer.
Switch on the Master now by pushing the button at the
base of the radio. Note the startup sequence that
applies to all O-
Lynx radios. The 5 LED’s will light up
from the bottom, then the unit will beep and the 5
LED’s will sh
ow the battery level for about 1 second.
For example, fully charged will be indicated by all 5
LED’s on.
Once the startup sequence has finished, the LED’s take
on their normal roles as indicated on the units’ label.
The top LED will flash every 3 secs to indicate the unit is powered up.
The “Heartbeat” switch
turns on when pressed in. Try this now. This will light up the second from
top LED every 3 seconds to indicate a heartbeat message is being sent out to all radios. This is used
to check range when setting out the “Control” radios
at an event.
The “Control” radios are used out on the map and are usually attached to Sportident BSM
-7 stations
to send the punches at this station back to the “Master” radio. They can also be used stand
-alone as
repeater type radios to extend the range of the O-Lynx s
ystem. Note that all “Control” radios will act
as repeaters, whether or not they are attached to Sportident stations and no programming or setup
is needed to enable this.
Figure 1: O-Lynx Radio Kit
Figure 2: Master radio