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Faceplate assembly will be heavy and not balanced. Use proper lifting methods. This assembly includes the impellers and shafts installed
in the faceplate. Do not disturb the bearing covers (26) on the bearing bridge on the faceplate. These covers hold the adjustment of
clearance of the impeller in relation to the fluid chamber. If further disassembly is required, refer to major disassembly instructions.
Fluid Chamber Check Points
Procedure No. 1 - Check for twisted shaft
Place faceplate group upright in vise. Caution: Use soft jaws to prevent damage to the gasket seal surfaces. Tighten jaws on sides
of bearing bridge.
Install carbon steel gear keys on an angle. Angle is to hold gears from sliding down on shaft.
Slide proper timing gear on drive shaft, revolving shaft to align key with gear keyway, taking precautions that the timing marks are
face out and aligned. There are two punch marks appearing on the gear on the drive shaft and one punch mark on the mating tooth
on the driven shaft.
Turn impellers to the position shown below. If the dimension X is the same as dimension Y, then there is no shaft damage. If there
is a variation, then the shaft is twisted or the impeller keys may be sheared. Disassemble in accordance with major disassembly
instructions. If the impeller keys are sheared, install new keys and recheck for twisted shaft.
Procedure No. 2 - Install new gears
Place faceplate group in vise and install woodruff keys as in Procedure No. 1
Slide gear on driven shaft, aligning keyway of gear with woodruff key on shaft
Position impellers as shown in the sketch in Procedure No. 1 with dimension X the same as dimension Y
Slide timing gear on drive shaft and align keyway in gear with woodruff key in shaft and mesh gears
Recheck dimension X and dimension Y to be certain that they are the same
Mark gears as indicated in Procedure No. 1
Slide gears off shafts and follow minor reassembly instructions
Procedure No. 3 - Install new bushings
Disassemble in accordance with minor disassembly instructions.
Press worn bushing from impeller housing and gear case.