Trust SpaceC@m 300
8. After the installation, figure 21 will appear. Click on 'Finish' to complete the installation.
Figure 21: Installing Acer EasyXpress VideoMail 2.2
9. Click on 'Finish' to complete the installation.
You have now completed the installation of Acer EasyXpress VideoMail 2.2.
Installation Microsoft ® NetMeeting (Windows 98 / Me / 2000)
NetMeeting is a program which is included in Windows 98 / Me / 2000. The program makes it possible to use
your Trust SpaceC@M as webcam.
To install NetMeeting you have to follow the next steps:
Figure A: Installation Microsoft ® NetMeeting
1. Click the ‘Start’ button left below of your desktop.
Go to NetMeeting (Programs -> Accessories -> Internet Tools -> NetMeeting) (See Figure A)
2. Click your left mouse button to start the installation. Figure B appears.
Figure B: Installation Microsoft ® NetMeeting