Application information
The Tracer ZN.520 zone controller includes unit configuration for a location
identifier. The maximum length of the location identifier is 30 characters. You
can use Rover service tool to download this identifier and easily identify the
unit based on its physical location.
You can configure the controller’s binary input 3 (BI 3) as an occupancy input to
switch between occupied and unoccupied. When BI 3 is configured as a
normally open occupancy input, the stand-alone controller switches to
occupied mode when BI 3 contacts are open.
Timed override
The range for the timed override is 0–240 minutes (configurable). The default
value is 120 minutes.
The controller’s space temperature analog input generates timed override On
and Cancel requests in the following manner. The controller interprets a
momentary short (0.2–5 seconds) by the space temperature input as a timed
override On request. The controller always accepts this timed override On
request, but only changes to occupied bypass if the controller was supposed to
be in unoccupied mode. During unoccupied mode, the On request places the
controller in occupied bypass mode for the occupied bypass time (configurable)
or until someone presses the zone sensor’s Cancel button.
The controller interprets a momentary fixed resistance (0.2–25 seconds) of 1.5
by the space temperature input as a timed override Cancel request. The
controller always accepts the Cancel request, but only acts on a Cancel request
during occupied bypass. During occupied bypass mode, the stand-alone
controller uses a Cancel request to return the controller to unoccupied mode.
Use Rover service tool to modify the controller’s configuration parameters,
including the default setpoints.
Setpoint operation
Stand-alone zone controllers can use two different setpoint sources: the local
(hardwired) setpoint input or the default setpoints. Use the local setpoint input
to provide the controller with a single setpoint, from which all other heating and
cooling setpoints are derived.