This parameter allows a choice of the data value to be shown in the
large display when power is applied to the drive. In Display Mode, the
+ and - keys change this display when the drive is in operation.
Description of choice:
can only be selected in parameters 008 through 010,
, but not in parameter 007,
Large Readout.
Reference [%]
gives the total of all references as a percentage of
parameter 205,
Maximum Reference.
Reference [unit]
gives the total of all references. This is displayed in
Hz in open loop. In closed loop, the reference unit is selected in
parameter 415,
Process Units.
Frequency [Hz]
gives the output frequency of the drive.
Frequency [%]
is the output frequency as a percentage of maximum
output frequency in parameter 202,
Output Frequency High Limit.
Motor current [A]
is the average phase current of the motor.
Power [kW]
is the actual power, in kW, delivered to the motor.
Power [HP
] is the actual power, in HP, delivered to the motor.
Output energy [kWh]
is the energy delivered by the motor since the
latest reset was made using parameter 618,
Reset of kWh Counter.
Hours run [hours]
is the number of hours that the motor has run
since the latest reset was made using parameter 619,
Reset of Hours
Run Counter.
Custom readout [-]
is a user defined value, calculated on the basis of
the present output frequency, as well as the scaling in parameter 005,
Maximum Value of User-Defined Readout
, and the unit in parameter
Custom Readout.
Setpoint 1 [unit]
is the setpoint value programmed in parameter 418,
Setpoint 1. The unit is selected in parameter 415,
Process Units.
Setpoint 2 [unit]
is the setpoint value programmed in parameter 419,
Setpoint 2. The unit is selected in parameter 415,
Process Units.
Feedback 1 [unit]
is the value of the feedback signal applied to
Terminal 53. The unit is selected in parameter 415,
Process Units.
Feedback 2 [unit]
is the value of the feedback signal applied to
Terminal 54. The unit is selected in parameter 415,
Process Units.
Feedback [unit]
is the total feedback signal using the unit scaling
selected in parameter 413, Minimum Feedback; parameter 414
Maximum Feedback
; parameter 415,
Process Units
; and parameter
2 Feedback Calc.
Motor voltage [V]
is the voltage supplied to the motor.
DC link voltage [V]
is the drive DC bus voltage.
Thermal load, motor [%]
is the calculated thermal load of the motor.
100% is the cutout limit. See also parameter 117,
Motor Thermal
Thermal drive load [%]
is the calculated thermal load of the drive.
100% is the trip point.
Digital input [binary code]
is the signal status from the 8 digital
inputs (16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 29, 32 and 33). Terminal 16 corresponds to
the bit at the far left. (0 = no signal, 1 = connected signal.)
Analog input 53 [V]
is the voltage applied to terminal 53.
Analog input 54 [V]
is the voltage applied to terminal 54.
Analog input 60 [mA]
is the current applied to terminal 60.
Relay status [binary code]
displays the open or closed position of
relays 1 through 6 in binary code. Open is 0 and closed 1, read left to
right (positions 7 and 8, displayed in parameter 007, are not used.)
Pulse reference [Hz]
is the pulse frequency applied to terminal 17 or
terminal 29.
External reference [%]
is the sum of the external references as a
percentage of parameter 205,
Maximum Reference.
Heat sink temp. [°C]
is the present heat sink temperature of the drive.
The trip point is 90 ± 5°C for NEMA 1 units, 80 ± 5°C for NEMA 12.
Profibus fault [HEX]
is enabled when the Profibus communication
option is installed and the warnings in Profibus parameter 953 is active.
Free program array [text]
displays the array of characters pro-
grammed in parameters 533,
Display Text Line 1
and 534,
Text Line 2
on lines 1 and 2 of the LCP.
Status word [HEX]
displays the drive status word (see parameter
Data Log
Control word [HEX]
displays the drive control word (see parameter
Data Log
Alarm word [HEX]
displays the drive alarm word.