6. Install the aileron servo using the screws included with
the servo.
Anytime a screw is threaded into wood, fi rst
drill a pilot hole, install the screw, then remove the screw
and harden the screw hole with thin CA. After the CA has
hardened, re-install the screw.
7. Route the aileron servo leads out of the holes in the
bottom of the wing halves.
8. Assemble the aileron pushrod.
9. Attach the clevis to the nylon control horn.
10. Position the control horn on the aileron and mark the
two mounting holes.
11. Drill 1/16" (1.5mm) pilot holes at the marks over the
plywood mounting plate.
Do not
drill completely through
the wing.
12. Mount the control horn on the aileron. Harden the
screw holes with thin CA.