External hot water cylinder thermostat:
Connect the external hot water cylinder thermostat (S1 in the diagram below) to terminals 2 (COOL) and
3 (COM) on the option PCB.
When the hot water cylinder thermostat contact, S1, is CLOSED then there is a hot water demand and the
system will produce hot water (if all DPSW’s and function codes are set correctly)
External system STOP
Connect the external STOP signal / contact (S2 in the diagram above) to terminals 1 (HEAT) and 3 (COM)
on the option PCB.
It is possible to set the operating logic of contact S2 (normally OPEN contact, normally CLOSED contact or
pulse input) using function code FC52 and the operating mode of the system, on restart, using FC61 (see
function code list on page 31 for options).
The external stop option can also be used for TEMPO control where an external signal, from the customers
electricity measuring meter, is applied to the option PCB (contact S2 connections). TEMPO control can be
used as part of the price contract provided by French electric power company EDF. The TEMPO control
options are set using FC61.