4. SYSTEM MODE (For Service Persons and System Administrators)
(Revision Date: Nov. 7, 2008)
4.2 Diagnostic Test
4- 9
Self-test Result Items
1) Maintenance counter values
Item Description Range
Total label distance covered
(cannot be cleared)
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
Total label print distance covered
(cannot be cleared)
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
Current label distance covered
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
FEED (1 to 4)
Previous label distance covered
1 to 4
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
Current label print distance
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
PRINT (1 to 4)
Previous label print distance
1 to 4
0.0 to 320000.0 m
in units of 10 cm
232C ERR
RS-232C hardware error count
0 to 255
System error count
0 to 15
Maintenance Counter
Count Conditions
Total label distance covered
Label distance covered
Counts whenever the paper feed motor is driven, for example, to feed,
print, or exit a label. (Also counts during a reverse feed operation.)
When the power is turned off, a label distance of up to 50.0 cm may be
rounded down and backed up.
When the label distance covered reaches the maximum value, the
maintenance counter must be cleared. Otherwise, the total label distance
covered cannot be updated.
Label print distance
Counts while printing. (Counting is not performed during a paper exit or
reverse feed operation.)
When the power is turned off, a print distance of 5.5 m or less is rounded
down and backed up.
RS-232C hardware error
Counts when a parity error, overrun error, or framing error occurs.
* When data of several bytes is transmitted continuously, counting is
performed per byte.
System error count
Counts when a No.20 system error.