program instructions) with Bk0 HSpd(Back to zero high speed), until touch the zero
point switch of the axis and the switch status changes from Open to Closed.
.After touching the zero point switch, move with the speed quickly reduced to Bk0
LSpd(Back to zero low speed), until pass the switch and the switch status changes
from Closed to Open.
. After the switch status changes to Open, the axis will automatically continue to
reverse move with Bk0 LSpd
Back to zero low speed
, until press the switch again
and the switch changes from Open to Closed secondly. At this time, stop instantly, the
action of Back to mechanical zero is completed and the axis coordinate on the
controller interface changes to the axis reference point value. The axis reference point
value is set in the CtrlPars (Control parameters) area of the Pars Set(Parameters
settings) area.