settings) area, the controller begins running with the default last read-in program file.
Press the Paus(Pause) key to pause the running program. To continue to execute the
paused program file, press the St(Start) key again. To exit the program and remain in
the AutoExec(Automatically execute) interface, press the TrmtProg(Terminate
program) key. If want to direct exit to the main interface, the program must be in the
Paus(Pause) or TrmtProg(Terminate program) state, then press the Exit key to return
to the main interface, or the Exit key is invalid.
3.1.2 Mt
Mt Run(Empty
Run(Empty running)
In the AutoExec(Automatically execute) interface, press the left F2 key to enter
the Mt Run(Empty running) state. At this time, the controller Mt Run(Empty running)
key color is negative display, and the system is in the Empty running state in the
program continuous running mode.
Cont Mo (Continuous mode)
In this state, press the St(Start) or Paus(Pause) key on the controller panel or the
external input line St(Start) or Paus(Pause) defined in the IO set(IO settings) area of
Pars Set (Parameters settings) area, to operate Empty running on program. At this
time, the controller program runs normally without any external action. It is often
used for simulation test after program editing and before actual running.