Tuning and Calibrating
Running Auto Tune and Calibration
TSQ Quantum XLS and TSQ Quantum GC User Guide
Thermo Scientific
Figure 34.
Typical parameter optimization plot
7. Click
to accept the results of the tuning and calibration procedure.
After you accept the results of the tuning and calibration procedure, a message box asks
whether you want to copy the positive ion tuning and calibration settings to the negative
ion mode.
• If you have already tuned and calibrated the instrument successfully in the negative
ion mode, click
. (Do not copy the positive ion mode parameters to the negative
ion mode.)
• If you have not tuned and calibrated the instrument in the negative ion mode,
8. Save the calibration file as follows:
a. Click
Save Calib. As
to open the Save Calibration File dialog box.
b. In the File Name
box, enter a name for your calibration file.
If you intend to perform high-sensitivity, negative-ion mass spectrum
analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends that you also perform a full tune
and calibration of the instrument in the negative ion mode.