19. Carefully close the door on the front of the outer
support container. Before latching the door shut,
ensure that one operator holds the front tubing line
sets above the door so none of the tubing is caught
as the door closes (Figure 27). Ensure that the row of
probe ports is aligned just below the bottom front of
the door (Figure 28).
21. Begin slowly filling the BPC with air to allow the drive
train to separate from the inside of the BPC. This also
aids in the proper alignment of the BPC in the outer
support container.
• Attach the air supply to one of the sparging gas
inlet lines after removing the bubble wrap from the
line set.
Air pressure to the gas line on the DynaDrive
S.U.B. BPC should not exceed 34 mbar (0.5 psi).
• Begin air inflation through one of the sparging gas
lines. Times will vary based upon flow rate and inlet
The BPC is not rated as a
pressure vessel.
mbar (0.5 psi) within the BPC or the system
could fail, causing personal injury or damage
to equipment. DO NOT leave the BPC
unattended while inflating. Consult your sales
representative for recommended air flow rates.
The operating pressures at the level of the
DynaDrive S.U.B. are of primary importance,
and these values must be adhered to.
22. Check the BPC to ensure that the foam probe is
hanging freely, and is not entangled in the drive train.
23. Clamp (or slide on, from the front) the black top tab
holders on both sides of the outer support container
(Figure 31). Attach the two hanging tabs at the top front
side of the BPC to the black plastic pins on the top
front of the outer support container.
Figure 26. BPC bottom hanging tab
attached to bottom pin.
Figure 30. Closing and latching the top door latch.
Figure 27. Lifting tubing line sets above
the door while closing.
Figure 28. Probe port row aligned
underneath closed door (BPC shown filled).
20. Close and secure the latches at the top and bottom
of the door (Figure 30).