8. Do not allow the BPC or line sets to touch the floor as
you carefully unfold the BPC and locate the top bearing
hub and front line sets. Do not remove the polybags
from the line sets at this stage, as the BPC may
become difficult to manage.
9. Ensure the line sets are facing the front, and align the
top bearing with the purple bearing hub (Figure 15).
Pull down on the black hub locking mechanism as you
insert the top bearing hub into the bearing. Ensure that
the locking mechanism fully engages; the lip at the
bottom should be completely hidden from view when
the locking mechanism retracts.
10. Pull down on the BPC lift mechanism lever (Figure
16). The lever will not move all the way down until
the black hub locking mechanism is pulled down, as
well. After the hub mechanism has been lowered and
subsequently raised, the purple bearing hub will lock
into place.
Ensure the hub and lift mechanism
lever are fully engaged by attempting to push the lever
back up. If the hub is not locked, the hub will fall out
and the arm will raise.
12. Locate the bottom hub at the bottom center of the
BPC. Pull the hub toward the center cutout at the
bottom front of the outer support container. Once the
hub is aligned with the correct cutout, slide it toward
the back of the DynaDrive S.U.B. until you feel it shift
into place (Figure 18).
11. Once the hub is locked into place, close and lock the
hub cover. The blue and black button must be pressed
again to lock the cover (Figure 17). The BPC should be
hanging freely.
Figure 15. Aligning bearing hub
with the bearing.
Figure 16. Pulling down on BPC
lift lever and locking mechanism.
Figure 17. Locking hub cover.
13. Use the following steps to lock the bottom hub in
• Pull down the metal pin to open the gate.
• Swing the gate connected to the pin forward and
to the right (Figure 19) until the pin aligns with the
drilled hole on the right side of the bottom hub
cutout (Figure 20).
• Push the pin back up to lock the gate (Figure 21).
Figure 18. Sliding the bottom hub into
place in the front center cutout.
Bottom hub