– Installation
Thermo Scientific
Product Manual for CarboPac PA200 Columns
Page 11 of 37
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
The Injection Volume
The 1 mm System Injection Volume, 0.4 µL
For most applications on a 1 mm analytical system, a 0.4 µL injection volume is sufficient. We
recommend using the 4-port injection valve with an internal loop of 0.4 µL (Item # 074699).
Injecting larger amounts of an analyte can result in overloading the column which can affect the
detection linearity. For low concentrations, larger injection loops can be used to increase
sensitivity, however injection loops larger than 2 µL (use 6 port valve and externally connect 2
µL loop) may have an adversely affect peak shape.
The 0.4 mm System Injection Volume, 0.1 µL
For most applications on a 0.4 mm analytical system, a 0.1 µL injection volume is sufficient. We
recommend using the 4-port injection valve with an internal loop of 0.1 µL (Item # 0010-03-
00041). Injecting larger amount of an analyte can result in overloading the column which can
affect the detection linearity. For low concentrations, larger injection loops can be used to increase
sensitivity. Injection loops larger than 0.4 µL (Item # 074699) may have an adverse impact on
peak shapes.
The Dionex CarboPac PA200 Guard Column
A Dionex CarboPac PA200 Guard Column is normally used with the Dionex CarboPac PA200
Analytical Column. Retention times will increase by approximately 20% when a guard column is
placed in-line before the analytical column under isocratic conditions. A guard column is utilized
to prevent sample contaminants from eluting onto the analytical column. It is easier to clean or
replace a guard column than an analytical column. Replacing the Dionex CarboPac PA200 Guard
Column at the first sign of peak efficiency loss or decreased retention time will prolong the life
of the Dionex CarboPac PA200 Analytical Column.
System Start-up
Thermo Scientific recommends sanitizing the entire system (without installing the columns)
with at least 2 hours of 100 mM KOH at 0.1 mL/min for 1 mm columns and at 0.02 mL/min
for 0.4 mm columns using the KOH eluent generator cartridge.
In a properly working system, the electrochemical detection (ED) background for the Dionex
CarboPac PA200 QAR eluent is 25-40nC.
To ensure stable baseline and low background noise, it is crucial to have sufficient removal
of the hydrogen and oxygen gas formed with the EGC generated eluents. For 1-mm system,
connect the vents of the Dionex RFIC EGC 400 MSA Degasser and the Dionex RFIC EGC
400 KOH Degasser to the Vacuum Port located at the back of the Dionex DP module. For
0.4-mm system, connect the vents of the Dionex RFIC Capillary EGC MSA Degasser and
the Dionex RFIC Capillary Eluent Degasser
to the Vacuum Port located at the back of the
Dionex DP module. Make sure all connections and fittings for the vacuum degas are
vacuum tight before using the system.