IOM CRUZcontrol®
P/N: 90480009
Revision Date: 03/18/2019
activated. This in turn enables accumulation beginning with the next upstream accumulation zone, once
the Photosensor in that zone is blocked.
Function Module #2 (also a Release Function Module) is configured and wired for Logic Interrupt
operation. When it receives a signal (from the PLC), it passes the signal from the down stream
accumulation zone to the upstream accumulation zone. Accumulation and release function normally,
meaning as if there no Function Module installed.
To create a gap in the flow of product, the PLC signal to Function Module #2 is turned off. This puts the
zone upstream of Function Module #2 into accumulation mode, once its Photosensor is blocked. The
brake in the zone is also set automatically whenever the zone is set to accumulate.