of production visible?
– Inspection of the individual parts for
mechanical damage such as cuts,
cracks, notches, abrasion, deforma-
tion, ribbing, curling, squashing.
– Inspection of all individual parts for
damage caused by heat or chemi-
cals, such as fusion or hardening.
– Inspection of the metal parts for
corrosion and deformation.
– Inspection of the completeness of
the end connections, stiching (e.g.
no abrasio of sewing thread) seams,
splices, (e.g. no splippage), knots.
Again, the following rule applies:
If there
is only the slightest doubt, the product
needs to be retired or subjected to test-
ing and by a duly qualified person.
Its theoretically possible period of use is
up 5 years from the time when the prod-
uct is first removed from the undamaged
package (only when used infrequently
(1 week per year) and stored properly
(see Chapter “Transport, Storage and
Cleaning”)). The product must be retired
no later than after 5 years of use. It is as-
sumed that the product will be removed
from its package upon purchase. We
recommend keeping the sales receipt.
The theoretically possible total lifetime
(proper storage prior to first r
use) is limited to 8 years from the date
of manufacture.
The actual useful life depends solely on
the condition of the product, which in
turn is influenced by various factors (see
below). Extreme influences may shorten
service life to a single use only or to even
less if the equipment is damaged prior
to its first use (e.g. in transport).
Mechanical wear and other influenc-
es such as the impact of sunlight will
decrease the life span considerably.
Bleached or abraded fibres, discolor
ation, and hardened spots are certain
indicators that the product needs to
be retired.
It is clearly not possible to offer a general
statement about the product’s service
life, as such life span depends on various
factors, e.g. UV light, type and frequency
of use, handling, climatic influences such
as ice or snow, environments such as
salt, sand, battery acid etc., heat con-
tamination (above normal climatic con-
ditions), mechanical deformation and/or
distortion, … (incomplete list!),
In general, the following rule applies:
the user, for whatever reason – however
insignificant it may seem – is uncertain
whether or not the product meets all the
necessary criteria, either reject it from
service and render unusable, or place
in quarantine and label in an obvious
manner so that it cannot be used by
mistake. Only return to service following
the written authorisation of a competent
Withdraw equipment from service if it
has been used to arrest a fall.
A document can be accessed in the
download area of www.teufelberger.com
(category: declaration of conformity).
seRvice LiFe / ceRtiFicate oF conFoRmity