Technical specifications for Microcurrent (MIC) mode
Mono-phase square pulse wave
Pulse amplitude
Adjustable, 0.00-0.70mA peak at 1000 Ohm load each channel.
0.01 mA/Step
Pulse Width
Adjustable, from 2
to 200 ms, 1 ms/step
P.W.< 1/2xP R.
Pulse Rate
(P R)
Adjustable, from 1 to I50 Hz, I Hz/step
Constant stimulation based on setting value. Only pulse width, pulse
rate and timer are adjustable in this
program. ‘Constant’ is equal to
the ‘Normal” mode of a TENS therapeutic mode.
Pulse Width
Modulation (P2)
The pulse width is automatically varied in a cycle time
The pulse width is decreased from its original setting to 60% in set
cycle time, and then increased from 60% to its original setting in next
set cycle time. In this program, pulse rate (1 to150Hz), pulse width
to 200ms) and cycle time (5 to 30 sec) are fully adjustable.
Pulse Rate
Modulation (P3)
The pulse rate is automatically varied in a cycle time. The pulse rate
is decreased from
its original setting to 60% in set cycle time, and
then increased from 60% to its original setting in the next set cycle
time. In this program, puIse rate (1 to 150Hz
pulse width
200ms) and cycle time (3 to 30 sec) are fully adjustable.