6.1 Tips for skin care
To avoid skin irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin, follow these suggestions:
I) Wash the area of skin where you will be placing the electrodes, using mild soap and
water before applying electrodes and after taking them oft. Be sure to rinse soap off
thoroughly and dry skin well.
2) Excess hair may he clipped with scissors; do not shave stimulation area.
3) Wipe the area with the skin preparation your clinician has recommended. Let this dry.
Apply electrodes as directed.
4) Many skin problems arise from the
“puling stress’ from adhesive patches that are
excessively stretched across the
skin during application. To prevent this, apply
electrodes from centre outward; avoid stretching over the skin.
5) To minimize
“pulling stress”, tape extra lengths of lead wires to the skin in a loop to
prevent tugging on electrodes,
6) When removing electrodes, always remove by pulling in the direction of hair growth.
7) It may be helpful to rub skin lotion on eleclrode placement area when not wearing
8) Never apply electrodes over irritated or broken skin.
6.2 Cleaning the device
1) Remove the battery from the device every time you clean it.
2) Clean the device after use with a soft, slightly moistened cloth. In case of more
extreme soiling you can also moisten the cloth with mild soapy water.
3) Do not use any chemical cleaners or abrasive agents for cleaning.