4.2 Audio Signals - optimal training range
Maximum training range
- The upper limit of the audio signal = any value of the selected
parameter (power, velocity, force) higher than the set percentage of the upper limit will be indicated
by a beep of higher intensity. At the same time, the colour of the column in the bar graph and the
main numerical panel will be
Minimum training range
- The lower limit of the audio signal = any value of the selected
parameter (power, velocity, force) below the set percentage of the lower limit will be indicated by a
beep of lower intensity. At the same time the colour of the column in the bar graph and the main
numerical panel will be
All the measurements falling in the interval between the upper and lower limits
will not be indicated
with audio signals. Only the colour of the columns in the bar graph and the main numerical panel
will be changed to
. It will mean that you are keeping up with your prescribed training range.
Setting range:
Lower Limit ranges from 0% to Upper Limit.
Upper Limit ranges from 100% to Lower Limit.