3.2 How Tendo MyUnit app works
After each repetition (upward pull of the cable), the application displays:
Average Power, Peak Power, Partial Average Power, Average Velocity, Peak Velocity, Peak
Force and Percent value of the best repetition in particular set in the main numerical panel
Total / Eccentric / Concentric Work Time, Eccentric Average Velocity, Average Velocity, Peak
Velocity in the auxiliary window
Repetition number, Rest Time, Displacement
Percentage of the best rep
Preset parameter (AVG Power, Peak Power, AVG Velocity, Peak Velocity, Partial AVG Power,
Peak Force) in the first repetition will be set as 100%. Subsequent reps will be displayed as a
percentage of this maximum. However, should any subsequent repetition be higher than the
previous 100%, it will be considered the new 100%. All subsequent reps will be compared with
the new 100%.
If there is a multi-weight exercise set (different weight setting without resetting between weight
change), all reps will be compared with the absolute best repetition.
3.2.1 What is measured and calculated
Average power measured in Watts [W]
– for the full range of motion.
Partial average power measured in Watts [W]
– average power for the limited (pre-set) range
of motion from 0 to 100% of range of motion.
Peak power measured in Watts [W]
– the highest possible power in the full range of motion.
Average velocity measured in meter per second [m/s]
– for the full range of motion.
Peak velocity measured in meter per second [m/s]
– the highest possible speed.
Peak Force measured in Newtons [N]
– maximum force for the limited (pre-set) range of
motion from 0 to 100% of the range of motion.
Microcomputer also measures
a rest time between reps or sets measured in seconds.
Eccentric average velocity
(average velocity in downward movement) measured in meter per
Eccentric, concentric and total work time