23.2 IP Accounting
In modern networks, information about the type and number of data packets sent and re-
ceived over the network connections is often collected for commercial reasons. This inform-
ation is extremely important for Internet Service Providers that bill their customers by data
However, there are also non-commercial reasons for detailed network accounting. If, for
example, you manage a server that provides different kinds of network services, it is useful
for you to know how much data is generated by the individual services.
Your device contains the IP Accounting function, which enables you to collect a lot of useful
information about the IP network traffic (each individual IP session).
23.2.1 Interfaces
In this menu, you can configure the IP Accounting function individually for each interface.
Fig. 206:
External Reporting
IP Accounting
In the External Reporting->IP Accounting->Interfaces menu, a list of all interfaces con-
figured on your device is shown. For each entry, you can activate IP Accounting by setting
the checkmark. In the IP Accounting column, you do not need to click each entry individu-
ally. Using the options Select all or Deselect all you can enable or disable the IP account-
ing function for all interfaces simultaneously.
23.2.2 Options
In this menu, you configure general settings for IP Accounting.
23 External Reporting
Teldat GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2