: The sender receives an ICMP message.
Reporting Method
Define whether a syslog message is to be generated if a packet
is denied.
Possible values:
' )
: No syslog message.
(default value): A syslog message is generated with the
protocol number, source IP address and source port number.
: A syslog message is generated with the contents of the
first 64 bytes of the denied packet.
14.6 Drop In
"Drop-in mode" allows you to split a network into smaller segments without having to divide
the IP network into subnets. Several interfaces can be combined in a drop-in group and as-
signed to a network to do this. All of the interfaces are then configured with the same IP ad-
Within a segment, network components which are connected to a connection can then be
grouped and, for example, be protected by firewall. Data traffic from network components
between individual segments which are assigned to different ports are then controlled ac-
cording to the configured firewall rules.
14.6.1 Drop In Groups
The Networking->Drop In->Drop In Groups menu displays a list of all the Drop In
Groups. Each Drop In group represents a network. New
Select the New button to set up other Drop In Groups.
Teldat GmbH
14 Networking
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2