.*2 .", 6,3
: Differentiated Services Code Point
according to RFC 3260 is used to signal the priority of IP
packets (indicated in decimal format).
.*2 ?<", 6,3
: Differentiated Services Code
Point according to RFC 3260 is used to signal the priority of
IP packets (indicated in hexadecimal format).
(:* =& 6,3
: The TOS value is specified in binary
format, e.g. 00111111.
(:* .", 6,3
: The TOS value is specified in decimal
format, e.g. 63.
(:* ?<", 6,3
: The TOS value is specified in
hexadecimal format, e.g. 3F.
Set COS value
(802.1p/Layer 2)
Here you can set/change the service class (Layer 2 priority) in
the VLAN Ethernet header of the IP packets, based on the class
(Class ID) that has been defined.
Possible values are whole numbers between
The default value is
Only for Class map =
When creating a new class plan, select the interfaces to which
you want to link the class plan. A class plan can be assigned to
multiple interfaces.
14.4.3 QoS Interfaces/Policies
In the Networking->QoS->QoS Interfaces/Policies menu, you set prioritisation of data.
Data can only be prioritized in the outgoing direction.
Packets in the high-priority class always take priority over data with class IDs 1 - 254.
It is possible to assign or guarantee each queue and thus each data class a certain part of
the total bandwidth of the interface. In addition, you can optimise the transmission of voice
data (real time data).
Teldat GmbH
14 Networking
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2