the ring button. Your door intercom can have up to 4 ring buttons.
The door opener can be pressed during an intercom call. It is not
possible activate the door opener if an intercom call is not taking
Dotted Decimal
The syntactic representation of a 32-bit whole number, written in
four 8-bit numbers in decimal form and subdivided by a point. It is
used to represent IP addresses on the Internet, e.g.
Data transfer during online connections, where files are "loaded"
from a PC or data network server to the user's own PC, PBX or ter-
minal, so that they can be used there.
Data transmission rate from the ISP to the customer.
Digital Signature Algorithm (Digital Signature Standard).
DSL and ISDN con-
Data is transferred between the Internet and your PBX over ISDN or
T-DSL. The PBX determines the remote terminal to which a data
packet is to be sent. For a connection to be selected and set up,
parameters must be defined for all the required connections. These
parameters are stored in lists which together permit the right con-
nection to be set up. The PBX uses the PPP (Point-to-Point Pro-
tocol) for ISDN access, and PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over
Ethernet) for access over T-DSL. The traffic on these two Internet
connections is monitored separately by the PBX.
DSL modem
Special modem for data transmission using DSL access technology.
DSL splitter
A DSL splitter is a device that splits the data or frequencies of vari-
ous applications that run via a subscriber line or distribution point,
and provides this via separate connections.
Digital Subscriber Line
Digital Subscriber Signalling System
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum is a wireless technology that was
originally developed for the military and offers a high level of protec-
tion against faults because the wanted signal is spread over a wide
area. The signal is spread by means of a spread sequence or chip-
ping code consisting of 11 chips across 22 MHz. Even if there is a
fault on one or more of the chips during transfer, the information can
still be obtained reliably from the remaining chips.
Data Terminal Equipment
Teldat GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2