(=“Network is not reachable“).
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
RFC 2453 Variable
For the timers described in RFC 2453, select whether the same
values that you can configure in the Timer for RIP V2 (RFC
2453) menu should be used.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default.
If you deactivate the function, the times defined in RFC are re-
tained for the timeouts.
RFC 2091 Variable
For the timers described in RFC 2091, select whether the same
values that you can configure in the Timer for Triggered RIP
(RFC 2091) menu should be used.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
If the function is not activated, the times defined in RFC are re-
tained for the timeouts.
Fields in the Timer for RIP V2 (RFC 2453) menu.
Update Timer
Only for RFC 2453 Variable Timer =
An RIP update is sent on expiry of this period of time.
The default value is
Route Timeout
Only for RFC 2453 Variable Timer =
After the last update of a route, the route time is active.
After timeout, the route is deactivated and the Garbage Collec-
tion Timer is started.
The default value is
Teldat GmbH
15 Routing Protocols
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2