In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 5-1
Equipment required .................................................................. 5-2
Device connections .................................................................. 5-2
Update the switch configuration in KCon ................................. 5-6
Set up the measurements in Clarius ...................................... 5-11
In this tutorial, you will configure a Keithley Instruments Series 700 Switching System (707, 707A,
707B, 708, 708A, or 708B) in the Keithley Configuration Utility (KCon). You will then use the system
to connect any instrument terminal to any test system pin without changing connections. You will also
create a new project for an n-channel MOSFET transistor and use the project to make both I-V and
C-V measurements using the switching system.
Switching systems are controlled by the 4200A-SCS using the GPIB bus. Use a 7007-1 or 7007-2
GPIB cable to connect your switching system to the 4200A-SCS. Once the switching system and test
fixture have been defined in KCon, you use Clarius to set up the connections and automatically
connect the instruments to the test system pins using the switching system.
In Clarius, the
action from the Action Library is used to control switching systems. This
action controls the opening and closing of crosspoints in a switching system so that you can connect
any row of the matrix card to any (or multiple) columns of the matrix card. The
is added to the project and runs twice in this example. Each run establishes new connection settings.
For more details about switching system connections and the Action Library, refer to the
4200A-SCS Reference Manual.
Section 5
Configure and use a Series 700 Switching System