6100 • FAX 440
Section IV
Operating Instructions
LAN Configuration (Read/Write):
Located SETUP
Network Options menu. Select the proper LAN configuration.
Select between Automatic IP addressing or manual IP addressing.
Automatic IP Addressing:
The 1830A is defaulted to Automatic IP Addressing. This allows for
Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol
) which is a network application protocol used by devices
DHCP clients
) to obtain configuration information for operation in an Internet Protocol
network. This protocol reduces system administration workload, allowing networks to add
devices with little or no manual intervention.
Putting this into practical terms, simply plug the 1830A into your DHCP Ethernet network
and it will automatically obtain a IP address and all the necessary network setting to
Note Please consult you IT professional before connecting to DHCP network.
Auto IP
Another method that can be used to obtain an Automatic IP Address is Auto IP. Auto IP is
different from DHCP in that it is a Link-Local configuration.
ink-local addresses are often
used for network address configuration when no external source of network addressing
information is available. This addressing is accomplished by the host operating system
using a process known as
stateless address auto configuration
. An example of this would
be a laptop PC, if the wireless is being used for network communication the 1830A can be
plugged into the wired connection and establish a link only with the laptop. A similar
scenario can also be established with two network cards.
Manual IP Addressing:
The 1830A allows for Manual IP Addressing. This allows the user full access to all network
parameters. A basic knowledge of manual configuration should be obtained prior to
attempting this method.
Reset LAN Configuration (Write Only):
Located SETUP
Network Options menu. This control resets all LAN
Parameter to the default settings.
Network Enabled (Read Only):
Located SETUP
Network Options menu. This indicates if the network is
enabled or disabled.
Ref Resistor (Read/Write)
Located SETUP
Ref Resistor menu. The reference resistor R
is used to
monitor a constant current source that heats the RF sense thermistors in the sensor. The
reference resistor can be set to 100 Ω or 200 Ω.