Rev A
of 64
Figure 57
Joystick: Analog / Position Input
The ‘Joystick’ Pad on the upper right controls
Press Head travel in the X, Y, and Z axes. The
Sliders on the side of the Joystick indicate actual positions of the Press Head.
The X-axis indicates the movement side to side of the Press Head.
The Y-
Axis indicates the ‘
’ motion used to position the
Press Head in the front to back
The Z Axis indicates the vertical movement of the Press Head.
All motions can be Jogged at either a predetermined velocity or Incremented a specific
distance by clicking on the center Joystick button.
The tool holder can rotate 360 degrees in 90 degree increments and this is accomplished by
selecting the appropriate Tool Rotation.
When the Press tools come in contact with the item to be pressed, the active, graphic load
bars on the left side of the screen indicate the 'real-time' contact pressures being generated
by each individual rod. Total force is what the pressed object sees (the additive force of the 2
The X, Y, Z axis real-time positions are indicated by the encoder position readouts with resolutions
to the thousandth of an inch.
This is the Joystick screen
to the Load Cell section.