Rev A
of 64
Datum. Remember that the X direction is always defined as left to right with the board mounted in the
press. See Figure 26.
Datum Board Frame Coordinates
It is the coordinate value of the Datum described above in relation
to the board’s origin point (the point from which X & Y locations f
or the connectors are defined). See
Figure 26.
Figure 26
“X, Y”
These entries define the position of the connector relative to the board’s coordinate system
datum. Each coordinate pair defines the location of the geometric center of the area that the pressing tool
engages, enabling the program to drive the pressing tool directly over the desired press area. This is
generally the center of the connector, but in some cases, it is not.
This defines the angle of the connector relative to the board mounted on the machine. Select
the appropriate angle from the drop down menu. Angles are defined by the head rotation as follows. The
head is at zero degrees when longer protrusion of the tool bar (containing the ID device) is toward the left
side of the machine. Positive 90 degrees is a ¼ turn counter clockwise as viewed from the top. Thus, the
tool load / unload angle is 270 degrees.
The connector to be pressed is selected from the connector database by using the drop
down menu. All connectors to be used on the board must be defined in the connector database before the
press data file can be generated. The pressing sequence follows the order of the connectors entered
here, so thought should be given to optimize the travel. Connectors of one type should be pressed before
proceeding to the next type to minimize tool changes.
User defined comment for future reference and reminder.
Step & Repeat
The Step & Repeat feature provides convenient and efficient pressing of multiple identical PCBs loaded in
the machine at the same time. The main program is written the same way as a single up version, but one
new line is added for each additional PCB. See Figure 27.
Machine 0 and Datum References