This unit has the following three operation modes.
• Timeline mode provides a working environment
(session) based on linear time similar to a tape recorder.
In timeline mode, up to 2 tracks can be recorded and
played back. Marks can also be edited.
• Take mode uses takes (files) as recording and playback
units. Up to 2 tracks can be recorded and played back,
and marks can also be edited.
• Playlist mode provides a playlist playback function.
Up to 2 tracks can be played during playlist playback.
Timeline mode functions
The following functions can be used in timeline mode.
• Up to two channels of simultaneous recording and
playback is possible at all compatible sampling
frequencies (Fs).
• Mirror recording function utilizing dual slot.
• R e c o r d i n g a n d p l a y b a c k w i t h t i m e c o d e
synchronization is possible. (The optional SY-2 board is
• A single file can be created from a designated time
interval in a timeline using the bounce function.
• Marks can be set, managed, edited and used for
• Compatibility with the AES31 file standard allows
import and exchange of data with other devices.
Because the AES31 file standard does not contain support
for 176.4kHz or 192kHz projects, edit information for
those sample rates will be saved and created in an original
format based on AES31.
In timeline mode, playback units are called “regions,” and
their extent is shown in the track area of the Home Screen.
Take mode functions
The following functions can be used in take mode.
• Up to two channels of simultaneous recording and
playback are possible for all compatible sampling
frequencies (Fs).
• Auto cue, auto ready and incremental play functions
are available.
• Using a TASCAM RC-HS20PD or other remote controller,
flash start playback is possible (five pages of 20 keys
• Marks can be set, managed, edited and used for
Playlist mode functions
The following functions can be used in playlist mode.
• Playlists can be edited and managed.
• Auto cue, auto ready and incremental play functions
are available.
• Compatibility with JPPA flash start standards enable
the exchange of playlists with other devices.
• Up to two channels playback are possible for all
compatible sampling frequencies (Fs).
• Using a TASCAM RC-HS20PD or other remote controller,
flash start playback is possible (five pages of 20 keys
Selecting the operation mode
1 Press the MENU key on the front panel to open the
2 Touch the
button to open the
3 Touch the button for the mode that you want to
use to select it.
The button for the selected mode appears yellow.
4 Touch the
button to enable the selected mode
and return to the Home Screen.
6–Overview of operation modes