Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Messages and Error Codes
AUTOLOADER LTO3 – User Reference Manual Rev. 1.01
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9.4 Error Messages and Error Codes
This chapter describes error codes and associated sub codes of the autoloader. The codes should be
used for analyzing failure situations and to analyze the error log stored in the autoloader.
Different sub code classes are joined to the main errors. In the following tables, the specific sub code
class is defined in the error description. To get the correct sub code, look in the associated sub code
class table.
The error codes are divided in two parts:
Errors which will be visible on SCSI interface (see Viewing Drive Error Codes via Serial
Communication on page 41 )
Errors which will be visible on user interfaces like OCP, serial monitor and RMU (see Viewing
Drive Error Codes via the OCP on page 41 and Viewing Drive Error Codes via the RMU on
page 41).
Depending on the error type the errors are only reported on the specific interface, but always stored in
the error log.
The tables with error codes visible on user interfaces (OCP, serial monitor and RMU) contain a
column with recommended actions for the user.
The last section describes all drive error codes. The entries in the drive error log are similar to the
error message code on the drive LCD
9.4.1 Error Code Description
Autoloader error entries have 4 information values which describe the error in detail.
Indicator for hard
error or recovered
80 – hard error
40 – recovered error
Main error code
Error subcode
Subcode specific
The <AA> indicator for the type of error code is only available in the error log. Recovered errors will
not be displayed on the OCP.
The <DD> subcode specific information is not described in this document, since it is used only for
detailed failure analysis in service and repair.
9.4.2 Example for an Error/Event Log:
80 93 0b 20
Sequence number - 6 indicates the position in the sequence list, 0 being the most recent. In this
example, the log shows a load error:
Type 80 = Unrecovered error
Code 93 = Load error
Internal error 0B = Door Stop
Cmd 20 = Load
After pressing Enter, the associated time stamp will be displayed in the following format: