30450712 MPEG-4 Hi-Resolution DVR
– This menu can select the coding style,
image quality and protocols for each channel. After
finishing one channel setting, click “SAVE” the setting
of this channel. You can continue to set the image
attributes of other channel finally, click “SAVE” on the
bottom of the dialogue box to save all setting Frame
rate has 1fps, 2fps, 4fps, 7fps, 15fps, 30fps. Coding
style has VBR (variable bit rate), CBR(constant bit
rate), MBR and NR (MBR and NR are extendable
styles). When in VBR style, there are 1,2,3,4,5,&6
levels of image quality. When in CBR style, selectable
data flux are 128kbps, 256kbps, 384kbps, 512kbps,
768kbps, 1024kbps. The different data flux demands
on the related bandwidth and the transmission image
quality is also different. Among them Level 6 demands
on the widest band and has the best image quality.
Alarm when video lost “ off means no alarm “On”
means alarm when video lost.
– When there are alarm input signals, user
can select the recording channel and the output port
due the actual need.