MPEG-4 Hi-Resolution Digital Video Recorder
1. After you login as Administrator, the buttons like
login, logout, search, Config and assistant are
activated click the right key.
If the DVR is 8 channel, the real-time monitor will show
8 channel options; if 4 channel, it will show 4 channel
The right key menu includes : Real-time monitor,
Multi-Video preview, Decode quality, Playback control
bar, Pan-Tilt control, Net data flux, Full screen, Resize
video, Video windows and uninstall Webrec.ocx
Video – the same function with the right key menu.
Real time monitor
Among the display channels, you may select the
channel you want to see. Channel name can be
changed under Assistant ->Change Name.
When you review picture, click the right key and you
will find an menu option “Prearrange set” has been
Note: If you didn’t set a protocol of the Pan-Tilt on the
DVR configuration menu, the prearrange set and
Pan-Tilt control options are gray and can’t be set a
protocol and the options were still gray, maybe you
have no administrator right or was deprived of the
right. Please apply for the control right first.
Decode Quality
Four levels decode quality for choose.
Playback control bar
Please refer to Records playback.