30450712 MPEG-4 Hi-Resolution DVR
System information
– Check the basic information
of the system when sound is not needed, you can turn
off the audio. Due to the bandwidth consideration, the
user can select the different video transport mode, and
after choose non real-time transmission, the mode is
Extract frame. Video type PAL or NTSC has to be
selected right. If auto recycle monitoring is on, system
will shift among all the channels automatically and the
time interval can be set
Net data flux : during real-time monitor it shows the
statistics of the network data flux.
Alarm Prompt
– Different sound warning form the
certain Alarm input can be chosen according the user’s
needs. The audio file named alarm sound wav in under
the directory system32
Channel name
– able to name each channel and
the letters are no more than 12. The revised channel
names will be displayed on the screen. The default
setting of the channel name is channel 1 to Channel 4.