DesignWare ARC AXC003 CPU Card User Guide
MQX Package
Synopsys, Inc.
Version 6323-018
May 2017
DIP Switch Settings for Autonomous Code Execution on the ARC Core
3. Push the
button on the ARC SDP Mainboard
The Pre-Bootloader detects a valid image in sector 0 of the SPI flash, loads this image in
DDR3 SDRAM and executes it.
8.6 MQX Package
Before using the MQX package, make sure that you have installed the MetaWare toolchain
(compiler/linker/debugger). This is a separate product, which is not part of the AXS103
Software Development Platform.
The MQX package is part of the zip file
, which can
be obtained from the ARC SDP download webpage
The package includes a pre-built
binary version of the MQX operating system, source code of BSP and peripheral drivers and
example code that demonstrates how to build a simple MQX application and work with the
peripheral device drivers.