DesignWare ARC AXC003 CPU Card User Guide
Synopsys, Inc.
Version 6323-018
May 2017
boot from ICCM0 with debugger
1) Select boot mode and boot mirror via the CPU DIP switches on the Mainboard
- Boot mode is
“start ARC core with the debugger”
- Boot mirror is arbitrary
2) Push the RESET button on the Mainboard
3) Download code into the ICCM0 with the debugger
4) Re-program the reset vector to address
(i.e. reset vector now points
to ICCM0)
5) Start the ARC core with the debugger
8.3 Pre-Boot
Pre-Boot Overview
The AXS103 Software Development Platform includes a set of pre-bootloaders, which are
functionally identical but compiled for the different cores. The pre-bootloader performs two
main tasks:
Board initialization
Loading an image from SPI flash
The pre-bootloaders are included in the bitfile for the FPGA of the AXC003 CPU Card. A RAM,
which is implemented in this FPGA, gets initialized with the Pre-Bootloader and is then used
as boot memory.
Booting with the pre-bootloader makes use of the boot mirror mechanism and requires that
the CPU DIP Switches on the Mainboard are set as shown in
on page 75:
The boot-
mirror select switches need to be set to “Pre-Bootloader ROM on AXC003 CPU