Alert function
Enter alert call number >
Select further settings or press and hold
to return to
standby mode.
While entering the number, you can delete the last digit
or delete the entire number with
You can enter dialling pauses via the lower speed dialling
4.5.3 Setting alert parameters
The alert parameters are pre-set. You can change them - but you must
Setting options:
Number of cycles
In a cycle all programmed alert call numbers are
called once - one after the other. By the number of
cycles (1-9), you define how often all alert numbers
are being called in a row.
Factory pre-set: 9 cycles.
> Enter the number of cycles (1-9) via the digit-keys.
Pause time
You can define the duration of a dialling pause bet-
ween the cycles (1-9 minutes). After this pause, a
new cycle starts.
Factory pre-set: 3 minutes.
> Enter the minutes (01-99) via the digit-keys.
Connection time
The connection time is the time in which the alert
call expires. The sequence is terminated by ack-
nowledging the alert call or by the end of the con-
nection time. Factory pre-set: 90 seconds.
> Enter the seconds (1-99) via the digit-keys.