Alert function
4.2 Description
Process of the alert call
Call sequence:
Call sequence defines the sequence of all calls pro
grammed. All telephone numbers are dialled in a loop repeatedly until the
alert call is accepted and acknowledged or the sequence ends automati-
1. Call
2. Call
1. Call
2. Call
Call cycle
Call sequence
Call cycle
Call cycle: The one-time expiry of all programmed call numbers behind the
other is called call cycle (default: 9 cycles).
Pause time: The pause time is the time the phone waits between the cy-
cles (3 minutes by default).
End tone: At the end of the last cycle three tones signal that no other cycle
follows and the call sequence ends.
Call acknowledgment: After an acknowledged call the further numbers
of the sequence are not more dialled. If no acknowledgment takes place
(e.g. in acceptance of the call by an answering machine), the calls are
continued within the sequence.
Connection time: The connection time is the time in which a call expires.
The process of the call ends by acknowledgment or by the end of the con-
nection time.
Priority of calls
If there are incoming calls while an alert call is made, these incoming
calls are not answered as the alert call always has priority.
Existing calls are automatically disconnected as soon as an alert call is