8.3 Suggested Additional References
Gas Flow in the Internal Combustion Engine
, W.J. Annand and G.E. Roe, Haessner Publishing, Inc., 1974
(ISBN: 0070377200).
Haessner Publishing Co. (Search Engineering Library).
How to Build and Modify Small Block Chevrolet Heads
, David Vizard, HP Books, 1991 (ISBN-10:
0879385472, ISBN-13: 978-0879385477).
How to Hot Rod Small Block Chevys
, Bill Fisher & Bob Waar, HP Books, 2002 (ISBN-10: 0912656069,
ISBN-13: 078-0912656069).
The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice
, Charles Fayette Taylor, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, N.Y., N.Y. (ISBN 0262 700166).
Internal Combustion Engines
, Edward F. Obert, 2nd edition, International Textbook Co., Scranton, PA
(Search Engineering Library).
Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, J. B. Heywood, McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1988 (ISBN 0-07-
Applied Combustion
, Eugene L. Keating, 1993 (ISBN 0-8247-8127-9).
Scientific Design of Exhaust and Intake Systems
, P. H. Smith and J. C. Morrison., Robert Bentley
Incorporated, Cambridge MA, 1971.
The Sports Car Engine
, Colin Campbell, Robert Bentley, Inc. (out of print, Public Library).
The Theory and Practice of Cylinder Head Modification
, David Vizard, 1973, Classic Motorbooks, Osceola,
WI, call (800) 826-6600 to order.
S.A.E. Technical Papers
S.A.E. technical papers may be obtained by contacting:
Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096
(412) 776-4841
Request a current year catalog or order by number, author, and paper title listed below.
A Study of Engine Breathing Characteristics
, 1965, C. H. Wolgemuth and D. R. Olson.
Research and Development of High-Speed, High-Performance, Small Displacement Honda
, 1970 by S. Yagi, A. Ishizuya, and I. Fujii.
Design Refinement of Induction and Exhaust Systems Using Steady-State Flowbench
, 1972 by G.F. Leydorf, Jr.
Analysis of the Volumetric Efficiency Characteristics of Four-Stroke Cycle Engines Using the
Mean Inlet Mach Number
. February-March 1979 by Itaru Fakutani & Eiichi Watanabe.
AirFlow through Poppet Inlet Valves – Analysis of Static & Dynamic Flow Coefficients
, February
1982 by Itaru Fakutani & Eiichi Watanabe.
8.0 Appendix