6.4.5 Optional Air Filter Maintenance
Check Air Filter Assembly
The optional SF-1020i filter assembly is designed to capture airborne contaminants that are part of the
airstream during testing prior to entering the bench. These contaminants can be a nuisance as well as a
hazard. Use this maintenance procedure to perform a simple pressure test to determine the level of filter
clogging which relates to reducing the performance of the bench.
To measure the capacity of the bench and filter assembly:
Install only the standard test orifice plate onto
the top of the SuperFlow flowbench.
• Remove all of the rubber stoppers from the
test plate.
• Ensure that the test plate is sealed against
the base plate with the calibration sticker
Turn ON local system control or monitoring system. Do not turn the flowbench motor ON at this time.
Set the flowbench to
4. Set to
Flow Range 10
5. Set
Test Pressure
70.000 inH
6. Set the local system to display or monitor
Test Pressure
Turn the flowbench motors ON and monitor the test pressure. When the filters are new, the test
pressure should exceed 45 inH
0. This test pressure will vary based on air density, voltage supplied
to the bench, and the condition of the filters and motors. Record the maximum test pressure reached
when the bench and filters are new. The maximum test pressure will decrease as the motors heat
up, so it is best to perform this test before the
bench is used for any other testing. It is normal
to see some variation in this maximum pressure
reading from day to day because of air pressure
changes and motor temperature and power
variations, but this should not affect the reading
more than 1.5 inH
8. Over time, the maximum test pressure reached
will decrease as the filter media becomes
saturated with particulate.
This maintenance procedure does not address the
issue of potential fire or health hazards associated
with captured contaminants. It is the responsibility
of the user/operator to develop a customized
procedure to address these hazards.
SuperFlow recommends servicing the filters when
the flowbench is no longer able to reach 90% of the
test pressure that was possible when the filters were
new. Keep in mind that since other variables such
as power supply, motor condition, and atmospheric
pressure also affect this reading, it is best to test the
filters on a regular basis and service the filters after
the 90% reading is consistently established. When the
performance of the bench drops below this 90% value,
clean or replace the filters.
6.0 Maintenance