Set the bushing to 1.266 ± .005 (32.2 mm) from the bushing flange to the bracket reference surface.
Using the 5/16 inch allen socket and 242 Loctite, install the two bushing screws. Tighten the screws to
the specified torque, over tightening may damage the bushing.
25. Tighten the bushing set screw using the 7/32 inch allen wrench.
26. Before installing the motor pulley, double check the bushing setting and then install the pulley and the
three pulley screws using 242 Loctite and the 5/16 inch allen socket. Tighten the three pulley screws to
the required torque specifications.
27. Using a straight edge, check the pulley alignment from the face of the motor pulley to the face on the
blower pulley. Verify that there is no gap and the alignment must be within ±1/32 inch. Repeat steps 16
and 17 to readjust shaft bushing until pulley alignment is within specification.
28. Using a 9/16 inch box-end wrench, rotate the belt tensioner arm counter clockwise (CCW). At the same
time wrap the belt around the blower pulley, then along the right side of the idler pulley, and finally
around the motor pulley.
29. Slowly rotate the motor pulley to make sure the belt is seated in
the grooves.
30. Verify that the belt gap is approximately ¾ inch ±1/16 inch.
a. To adjust belt gap, use a ¾ inch deep socket to loosen the
bracket mounting bolts behind the motor pulley and slide the
bracket using a rubber mallet.
Once belt gap has been verified and set, using a 1/2 inch
socket, install the belt guard.
32. Install the front and side panels and resume operation. It is a good practice to check calibration after
motor replacement.
Figure 6.7: Belt Gap
3/4" (19mm)
6.0 Maintenance