Cleaning Instructions: Control Unit/Blower
Hand clean only
place in sterilization room or chamber.
1. Personal Protective Equipment should be used as directed by the Safety Data Sheet for
the disinfectant.
2. Prepare the disinfectant according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
3. Turn off the control unit and disconnect it from all electrical power to avoid electrical
4. When cleaning the control/blower unit avoid excessive moisture, especially in areas
where there are electrical connections and components, to prevent damage.
5. All surfaces of the control/blower unit and the power cord are to be wiped using a coarse
cloth, dampened with the disinfectant solution prepared as directed by the manufacturer’s
recommendations, to remove organic material and visible soil.
6. Allow the control/blower unit to remain wet with disinfectant solution for the
manufacturer’s recommended contact time.
7. Rinse all surfaces of the control/blower unit with fresh water and use a clean cloth to
remove chemical and organic residue.
8. After cleaning, all surfaces are to be dried with a clean, dry cloth.
Control unit air filter
(foam filter)
must be cleaned weekly. Replacement of the control
unit air filter is recommended every 6 months.
1. Remove the air filter located on the back of the control unit.
2. Clean with prepared disinfectant solution and allow to air dry.
3. Reinstall the filter when dry.
To keep equipment working efficiently and effectively for an extended time period, it is
essential to make sure the equipment is cleaned regularly and well maintained.
Open cell foam filter ONLY
NOTE: DO NOT attempt to clean HEPA filters, as they are to be removed and replaced only.