Mattress Base:
1. Prepare the disinfectant according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. Prepare a separate bucket of warm, fresh water to be used for rinsing the equipment after
cleaning/disinfecting procedures are completed as instructed.
3. All surfaces of the mattress are to be wiped using a coarse cloth dampened with the
disinfectant, prepared as directed by the manufacturer’s recommendations, to remove
organic material and visible soil.
4. Allow the mattress shell to remain wet with disinfectant solution for the manufacturer’s
recommended contact time.
5. Stains on the mattress base may be treated using an approved stain remover, according to
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
6. Rinse all surfaces of the mattress with fresh water and a clean cloth to remove chemical
and organic residue.
7. After washing, the mattress base must be allowed to air dry.
Air Therapy Internal Mattress Components
1. Prepare the disinfectant according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. Prepare a separate bucket of warm, fresh water to be used for rinsing the equipment after
cleaning/disinfecting procedures are completed as instructed.
3. Allow the air cells to remain wet with disinfectant solution for the manufacturer’s
recommended contact time.
4. Rinse all surfaces of the air cells with fresh water and clean cloth to remove chemical and
organic residue.
5. After cleaning, dry the internal air cells with a clean, dry cloth.
6. After all mattress components are dry, reinstall the top cover.
7. Store the mattress in a “clean” environment until the next use.
Only the outer cover of the mattress requires cleaning and maintenance. Disassembly
of the support surface for the maintenance of internal components is not recommended. DO
NOT use harsh solvents or cleaners. Special care should be used to not puncture the mattress
with needles or sharp instruments. This may result in loss of integrity of the mattress cover or
internal components.
Cleaning Blood and Other Excretions:
Blood and other excretions should be wiped up while wet, if possible. These substances are
more difficult to remove once they have dried to surfaces. Dried blood and other excretions are
to be removed using ample disinfectant solution in order to moisten the substance and make it
easier to clean.