SA5052 Digital Multimeter User ‟s Guide
Shijiazhuang Suin Instruments Co., Ltd. 42
value parameter is presented by decimal number, composed by digits,
minus and decimal point. Floating -point number could be used to indicate either.
You also can use two special values Minimum and Maximum to instead parameter
value of command. Min set the parameter to be the allowed minimum value, and
Max set the parameter to be the allowed maximum value. You can add the unit in
the end of parameter value, such as M,K,U and so on.
VOLTage : DC:RANGe{<ranged>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Discrete parameter:
Discrete parameter only has a few of value, and be same as commands, you can use
full or abbreviation format, or mixing upper case and lowercase is also allowed.
TRLGger:SOURce { BUS|IMMediate|EXTernal}
Boolean parameter:
A Boolean parameter specifies a single binary condition which is either true or
false. For “True”, the parameter value is “ON” or “1”, and for “False”, the
parameter value is “OFF” or “0”.
INPut:IMPedance:AUTO { OFF|ON}
Format of output data
Output data type
non reading query
Single reading(IEEE-488 )
Multiple readings (IEEE-488)
Single reading (IEEE-488)
Multiple readings (IEEE-488)
Output format
<80 ASCII charater string
SD.DDDDDDDDESDD, …, …,<cr><nl>
S plus-mius sign
D numeric data