SA5052 Digital Multimeter User ‟s Guide
Shijiazhuang Suin Instruments Co., Ltd. 60
CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer{ <Value>|MIN|MAX}
Set the higher limit for limit calculation within the range from 0 to
120% of full range, the
setting is stored in volatile memory.
CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer{ MIN| MAX}
Query the higher limit.
4.3.4 Trigger
INITiate Command is used to change the trigger system status from “Idle” to “Wait trigger”.
After receiving INITiate Command, measurement starts once it meets with the specified
trigger conditions and the reading will be saved in internal memory until to be recalled.
Please use FETCh? Command to recall the reading.
READ? Command is used to change the trigger system status from “Idle” to “Wait trigger”.
After receiving READ? Command, measurement starts once it meets with the specified
trigger conditions and the reading will be send to ouput buffer.
TRIGger:SOURce { BUS|IMMediate|EXTernat}
Select trigger souce. Multimeter receive trigger signal from this source. Software (bus)
trigger from remote interface, internal instant trigger or hardware trigger from the Ext Trig
port on rear panel are al acceptable for multimeter. The setting is stored in volatile memory.
Query the current trigger source and returned value is BUS or IMM.
Set the sample count for each trigger, the count range should be from 1 to 50000.
MIN=1,MAX=50000, the setting is stored in volatile memory.